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The Story of SHARP - "Ever-Sharp Pencil" (Hayakawa Mechanical Pencil) and Sharp Corporation 早川式繰出鉛筆與夏普株式會社的故事


《早川式繰出鉛筆》一支在自動鉛筆 (鉛芯筆) 的發展史上舉足輕重亦非常出名的筆!更是日本設計生產的第一支()自動鉛筆。它是由享譽國際Sharp Corporation即夏普株式會社的創辦人早川德次於1915年他21歳時利用自己的金工專長所發明改良的。大家今天熟悉的Sharp,名字就是來自早川德次對這支自動鉛筆 (Ever-Ready Sharp Pencil,後又簡稱為Ever-Sharp Pencil) 中Sharp一字的一份情意結!補充一下,早川德次他首次創業即生產自動鉛筆時的名號為早川金屬工業。



最後補充一點 :「繰出」為日文漢字,指的是一段一段出芯的方式。


“Hayakawa Mechanical Pencil”, A Writing Instrument Ahead of Its Time.

Although the above header is copied from the Corporate Info of SHARP Japan, it is a true description of the “Hayakawa mechanical pencil”. Sharp’s founder Tokuji Hayakawa made the mechanical pencil in 1915, named the “Ever-Ready Sharp Pencil”, later simply the “Ever-Sharp Pencil”, whch is Japanese first mechanical pencil. Actually, it is an iconic one - if talking about world’s first mechanical pencils.

Today the Sharp name inspired by the “Ever-Sharp Pencil” is no doubt another touching story, a young man picked himself up and started looking for a new opportunity.

The “Hayakawa mechanical pencil” posted above is the limitation reissue made by Platinum Fountain Pen Co., it looks very much alike the original one except to use 0.5mm pencil lead .


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感謝蘋果,感謝撰稿的記者Vincent -諗得出呢個咁Interesting嘅切入點。
