rOtring 800 Drafting Pencil (0.5 mm / 0.7 mm) 專業繪圖級鉛芯筆
- Country of Origin: Japan
- Characteristics: Low Center of Gravity
- Body Material: Brass
- Length: 13.3 cm (Retracted) - 14.3 cm (Posted)
- Weight: 25 g
- Mechanism: Retractable - Twist Action & Top Button
- Tip Retractable: Yes
- Lead Grade Indicator: Not Included
- Eraser: Included
- Clean-out Rod: Not Included
- 日本製
- 低重心設計
- 筆身:銅
- 尺寸:13.3 cm / 14.3 cm
- 筆咀:可收縮
rOtring manufactures world’s finest drawing tools; it is still the top ranking brand in technical drawing and writing field.
rOtring 為專業繪圖與設計工具的領軍品牌,至今仍是專業設計人的頂級之選。